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The director of the organization "Peace for Ukraine" compared the methods of Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Irakli Kobakhidze in Georgia, and Aleksandar Vučić in Serbia to those used by the Slovak Prime Minister. But what is this really about?
How is the process of retouching Serbian history unfolding for the needs of NGOs, where the executioner aspires to the status of a victim?
How did Trump eliminate all "threats" to American democracy with a single order?
Has Turkey gained a new intelligence center in the Balkans with the opening of ASELSAN’s regional office in Skopje, whose significance goes beyond the economic benefits of its presence in Macedonia?
Neither Moscow in the past nor Washington (nor Brussels) today or tomorrow will make a complete and final choice between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The 2025 Charter will not alienate the U.S. from Turkey. On the contrary.
What lies behind the granting of official language status to Turkish in Kosovo’s strategic cities? What is the real motive behind granting Turkish the status of a language in official use in Kosovo's cities located along the strategic road and railway Balkan corridor connecting Kosovska Mitrovica, Priština, and Lipljan with
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