Has Turkey gained a new intelligence center in the Balkans with the opening of ASELSAN’s
Да ли Сирија, након пада Асада, постаје централа нове терористичке интернационале?
Will modern Turkey, under Erdoğan’s leadership, replicate the fate of the Ottoman Empire and, after
Why the actions of the OTS (Organization of Turkic States) are not merely an attempt
How Turkey, through the work of the OTD organization, pursues its Neo-Ottoman ambitions and what
How Muslim intelligence structures, through a breach of the CMS (Content Management System), enabled a
How did Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Nusra come into possession of weapons factories in Bosnia and
How a warning from a Turkish media outlet, claiming that Ukraine is becoming a new
El Fatih Ali Hassanein Mohamed Sherif, from whom, not without reason, the bazaars of Istanbul,
How does the takeover scheme of the defense industry shares look, and why is it